真的很神奇 毫无预警 说来就来
前一秒还好好的 因为一句话 不到十个字的一句话 立刻鼻子一酸 然后眼眶就一湿了
这时候就会心想 该死的 哭什么哭 有什么好哭的 不准哭啦
其实为什么要这么懦弱 为什么要这么胆怯 这只不过是一个小插曲而已啊
但是你不知道的事 因为在乎 所以把你的每一个字每一个词都听进心去了 但没想到换来的是被言语伤得遍体鳞伤的下场
伤心时 总是会想很多 很多很多 很多很多
想多了 就会活得很累 其实生活不应该是这样的 平时的锐气都跑哪里去了 是被眼泪这家伙给吓跑了吗
眼泪这回事 是最没用 也是最廉价的东西
在现实生活里 人们是不会相信眼泪 更不会同情眼泪的
大了 就应该学会坚强 不要再轻易的掉泪了 别人要是看多了你的眼泪 就会觉得你的眼泪如此的廉价
泛滥的眼泪 只会换来廉价的人生 所以记着 骄傲的微笑吧 生活不一定也需要眼泪的
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Thursday, 7 February 2013
There is an old-aged game that people like to play nowadays, called "as soon as you take things seriously, you lose".
Ok, perhaps starting from today I should learn to get used to it gradually.
We can't stop ourselves from getting angry, but we can learn what to do when we are angry.
Just tell yourself, why so serious? why bother so much? Come'on it's just a joke! Let's give a smile and act like you don't even care at all:)
Ok, perhaps starting from today I should learn to get used to it gradually.
We can't stop ourselves from getting angry, but we can learn what to do when we are angry.
Just tell yourself, why so serious? why bother so much? Come'on it's just a joke! Let's give a smile and act like you don't even care at all:)
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