Thursday 20 February 2014

Read a story on Facebook and I found it exactly fits my current situation bery bery muchie!












Well, my jaw dropped when I got to know that they pointed their fingers at me and accused me of standing someone up.
wth is that?! It's the funniest joke I've ever heard in the universe lo!
Did you ever hear the words coming out from my mouth? Have I ever made such a promise?
Then why you accuse falsely of me?
Why you put words in my mouth and accuse of something I didn't do?
Frankly, I'm hurting on the inside. The feeling of being accused is remorseful. It's not a very nice feeling of being misunderstood.
The great irony is that, the only thing more frustrating and irritating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them HA-HA-HA!
We should listen to both side of the stories before we can conclude and accuse the person, rather then only listening to a single-side story.
It's unfair if you just trust a single side story. Sometimes you might have bias against the accused one or the so called innocent fella perhaps.

I know people's words carry weight.
But seriously sometimes I just simply hate explaining myself to restore my image and repuation blah blah blah.
You know what? People who understands you doesn't need you explanation; for those who don't, well you can go ahead and do whatever you like, cause I don't even give a single shit about it.
My conscience is clear and I know I did nothing wrong.
Stay calm, stay quiet and let the proof take down the accusation yeah.

总之 牛牛的故事告诉我们
不要轻易相信隔耳的传言 除非你当面证实 否则你会做出错误的判断 总之就是要谨言慎行啦
还有 莫跟旁人抱怨 免得怎么死的都不懂

Sunday 9 February 2014

夜 睡不着
开了那已关上的灯 在与月亮争辩
月亮叫我闭上双眸 睡觉去
星子像无聊的路人 在一旁看着热闹
我隔着瓦片 不去理会
我与阳光约好 明早它会唤醒我 
之后 却让我闷着

——“待我长发及腰 少年你娶我可好”
嗯首先 我得有个少年
其次 我还得有腰啊啊啊

Tuesday 4 February 2014

I don't know where're you right now,
but every now and then, I miss you already:(